Emergency number: +336 85 55 23 03

Terms of use


Customer: any professional or capable natural person within the meaning of articles 1123 et seq. of the French Civil Code, or legal entity, who visits the Site which is the subject of these general terms and conditions.
Services: https: //www.transports-jontrans.fr/ provides customers with :

Content: All the elements making up the information on the Site, in particular text - images - videos.

Customer information: Hereinafter referred to as "Information(s)" which correspond to all personal data that may be held by https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ for the management of your account, customer relationship management and for analysis and statistical purposes.

User: Internet user connecting to and using the above-mentioned site.

Personal information: "Information which enables, in any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly, the identification of the natural persons to whom it applies" (article 4 of law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978).

The terms "personal data", "data subject", "sub-processor" and "sensitive data" have the meaning defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: no. 2016-679)

1. Website presentation.

In accordance with article 6 of French law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and follow-up:

Owner: SARL JONTRANS Share capital of 900000€ VAT number: FR10349259234 - RUE DU PUITS FLOTTARD 42500 LE CHAMBON FEUGEROLLES
Publication manager: Jean-Baptiste LANDON - contact@jontrans.com
The person responsible for publication is an individual or a legal entity.
Graphic design, development and hosting of the site by the web agency 69pixl domiciled at 4 quai Jean Moulin 69001 LYON.
Photo credits: Hugues de Tournemire - Amédézal -
Data protection delegate: Jean-Baptiste LANDON - contact@jontrans.com
Editing, Copywriting, Illustration & Maintenance Agence Zilmeo

2. General conditions of use of the site and the services offered.

The Site constitutes an intellectual work protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code and applicable international regulations. The Customer may not in any way reuse, transfer or exploit for his own account all or part of the elements or works on the Site.

Use of the https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ website implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use may be amended or supplemented at any time, and users of the https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ website are therefore advised to consult them regularly.

This website is normally accessible to users at all times. However, https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ may decide to interrupt the site for technical maintenance, in which case it will endeavor to inform users of the dates and times of the intervention in advance. The https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ website is regularly updated by https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/. Similarly, the legal notices may be modified at any time: they are nevertheless binding on the user, who is invited to refer to them as often as possible in order to take cognizance of them.

3. Description of services provided.

The purpose of the https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ website is to provide information concerning all the company's activities. https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ strives to provide information on the https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ website that is as accurate as possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for any omissions, inaccuracies or failure to update information, whether due to its own fault or that of third-party partners who provide it.

All information on the https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ website is provided for information purposes only, and is subject to change. Furthermore, the information on the https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ website is not exhaustive. It is subject to modifications having been made since it was put online.

4. Contractual limitations on technical data.

The site uses JavaScript technology. The website cannot be held responsible for any material damage arising from use of the site. In addition, the user of the site undertakes to access the site using recent, virus-free equipment and with a last-generation updated browser. The https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ site is hosted by a service provider on the territory of the European Union in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD: n° 2016-679).

The aim is to provide a service that ensures the highest possible level of accessibility. The host ensures continuity of service 24 hours a day, every day of the year. However, it reserves the right to interrupt the hosting service for the shortest possible time, in particular for maintenance purposes, to improve its infrastructures, in the event of infrastructure failure, or if the Services generate traffic deemed abnormal.

https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ et l’hébergeur ne pourront être tenus responsables en cas de dysfonctionnement du réseau Internet, des lignes téléphoniques ou du matériel informatique et de téléphonie lié notamment à l’encombrement du réseau empêchant l’accès au serveur.

5. Intellectual property and counterfeiting.

https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ est propriétaire des droits de propriété intellectuelle et détient les droits d’usage sur tous les éléments accessibles sur le site internet, notamment les textes, images, graphismes, logos, vidéos, icônes et sons. Toute reproduction, représentation, modification, publication, adaptation de tout ou partie des éléments du site, quel que soit le moyen ou le procédé utilisé, est interdite, sauf autorisation écrite préalable de : https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/.

Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains will be considered as counterfeiting and will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

6. Limitation of liability.

https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ agit en tant qu’éditeur du site. https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/  est responsable de la qualité et de la véracité du Contenu qu’il publie.

https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ ne pourra être tenu responsable des dommages directs et indirects causés au matériel de l’utilisateur, lors de l’accès au site internet https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/, et résultant soit de l’utilisation d’un matériel ne répondant pas aux spécifications indiquées au point 4, soit de l’apparition d’un bug ou d’une incompatibilité.

https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ ne pourra également être tenu responsable des dommages indirects (tels par exemple qu’une perte de marché ou perte d’une chance) consécutifs à l’utilisation du site https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/. Des espaces interactifs (possibilité de poser des questions dans l’espace contact) sont à la disposition des utilisateurs. https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ se réserve le droit de supprimer, sans mise en demeure préalable, tout contenu déposé dans cet espace qui contreviendrait à la législation applicable en France, en particulier aux dispositions relatives à la protection des données. Le cas échéant, https://www.transports-jontrans.fr/ se réserve également la possibilité de mettre en cause la responsabilité civile et/ou pénale de l’utilisateur, notamment en cas de message à caractère raciste, injurieux, diffamant, ou pornographique, quel que soit le support utilisé (texte, photographie …).